Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Many Many Blessings Wished on Each of You!

From Carolyn Denise and staff
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

May God bless you and family with His peace, joy, mercy and grace continually.

May you live up to your full potential in 2013 and go after everything stirring in your belly that would bring God glory!

May you no longer talk yourself out of moving forward into vision, promise, or destiny!

may you Believe as God believes, that you are a great person full of promise and you are greatly loved.

Love Ya,
Carolyn Denise

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hello Everyone,
Can you all believe it, we are down to the last week of 2012 and our new year, 2013 is now within arm’s reach.
I pray you let go of all hurts, misfortunes, disappointments, and failures of 2012 and embrace all God has waiting for you/us in 2013!

I love you and want to personally thank each of you for your support, love Ya!

Carolyn Denise