Friday, June 28, 2013

You want me to do what?

'Let me see if I’ve got this right.
'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse , monitor their dress habits, censor their t-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their self esteem and personal pride.
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams. 'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
'You want me to do all this, and then you tell me.......

Monday, June 24, 2013


Hello friends of Carolyn Denise, I love you guys for your continued support and want you to hang in there because some great things are being worked on behind the scenes. July 7th we'll begin hitting the streets gathering the “Good News” from all neighborhoods. I have hired two journalists and one cameraman. I also plan on having young kids give a report, “If I can get my granddaughters to cooperate.” Look for the “Good News” reports hitting you tube July 21 and each day thereafter. Let me share this with you also, I committed 40 days to prayer and sacrifice and I tell you, I have seen God do some amazing things each and every day. I met the owners of magazines, radio shows etc….Yeah of course the enemy showed his ugliest, but those events aren’t worth mentioning.
The scriptures says give thanks in all things
I will be attending my first awards show in November as, “I AM Tan” will be voted on in the children’s category.
I have to go for now, still have a proposal to complete, a doll to design, and the second book in the “I AM TAN” series to complete.
In all things give thanks!

Always remember we are blessed to be a blessing.
As God bless you financially, ask Him how you can sow back into your community.
Carver Middle School is in need of mentors and cafeteria monitors, hall monitors, and classroom aids.
Give of your time and resources today.
Over the weekend I met a beautiful black woman who testified that her tithes went from 28.00 to 10,000.
you had better believe there was hell between the 28-10,000 but in all things she gave thanks and she no longer worry if her lights will be on as she drive up to her mansion.
Won’t He do it!
I really love you guys and am praying God’s blessings cover you and yours.

You are of great value
Carolyn Denise

Monday, June 17, 2013

Who has their eyes on you?

Who has their eyes on you?
Saul and David had a great relationship, David had destroyed Saul’s number one enemy sealing he and Saul’s relationship. Then, returning to town one day, the women greeted the two men with a song, giving more credit to David, the servant, instead of Saul the king. I Samuel 18:9 states,
“So Saul eyed David from that day forward.”

I ask who has their eyes on you. Who is it in your circle, laughing with you, smiling at you, hanging out with you, but in all truth is jealous of you. Maybe not even you per se, but of what they see in you. The anointing of God, the favor of God the wisdom of God, or as in David’s (the people cheering for you) case Saul heard and saw his constituent giving more credit to David than himself and assumed David was trying to steal his kingdom.

Don’t take the behavior personally, keep right on loving and serving because God sees all and knows all. We are in a spiritual fight; this is not a flesh n blood, fist 2 fist situation. The spirit knows you have been called for the job and their job is to prevent God’s plan from manifesting. So of course people we call friends, family, co-workers, church members, and acquaintances will be used as pawns against us and us against them if we do not keep our focus on the truth of God’s Word.
Chapter 24 of I Samuel (6chapters later who knows how many years are involved) Saul finally got it by releasing this statement to David :
“Saul lifted up his voice and wept, saying you are more righteous than I; for you have rewarded me with good, whereas I have rewarded you with evil. Here you have a friend acknowledging they were tripping and you have not done anything to them.
But in chapters 26 Saul is still pursuing David with the intent of killing him but finally realize that his fight was with God not David, Saul ends with this statement;
26:25 “May you be blessed, my son David! You shall do great things.”
Chap 27 starts with;
I shall parish someday by the hand of Saul”
after years of being chased, David did not believe Saul was going to leave him alone. I understand his statement. This so call friend always has something up his/her sleeve; I don’t trust her/him.
Operate out of truth and love, pray for those who use you, lie to you, lie on you, stab you in the back and do all manner of evil against you remembering it is the gift in you they are trying to stop. Keep moving, loving and serving God in all truth….God got you…

Love ya,
Carolyn Denise

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Are you really open to God's daily direction?

Good Evening Beautiful People, I ask, are you really open to God's daily direction(s), because of an incident that happened Saturday 06/15/2013 with me and my response to the incident.
Ephesians: 5:19-20
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord: Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do you handle plan changes at the last minute? Do you gripe and complain, or do you obey Ephesians 5:19-20?
The one thing I do understand is that my life is governed by God and His Word and that there are no accidents concerning Him with me.
I am also assured of that with you as well. I am assured that what God started in you He will complete, and that His ways and plans are not ours. Sometimes our days and choices, and directions don’t seem to make sense, but how about we praise God through the craziness expecting the outcome to be exactly as He intended.

You may say with your mouth all day long, “I trust God with my everyday life.” But your actions to His sudden change(s) will reveal where you really live….
Blessings, Love Ya,
Carolyn Denise

Friday, June 14, 2013


What are you doing?
I heard on the radio a gentleman say, “I got tired of being influenced and decided I want to be an influence-er”. Immediately I thought to myself, “I can preach that statement”.

So I ask, what are you doing, are you influencing or being influenced, are you leading or following. Who are you influencing or being influenced by? Who are you leading or following?

What are you influencing others to do or what are you being influenced to do? Where are you leading others or where is the person you are following going?

I finally got it through my thick scull that there will always be leaders and followers.
As a teacher I want everyone to be a leader, but my experience and now common sense reveals that no matter how bad I want it, it will not happen. The world is set up with leaders and followers.
At times I would get angry with followers waiting to see what I was going to say or do before they made a decision. I didn’t understand followers, I thought of them as weak. But now I get it, we all are doing one of two things influencing or being influenced. Leading or following.
As a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, I am careful with the authority I walk in, I am careful to influence others to embrace Christ, His love, and His grace. I understand that Christ has called me to lead and I don’t take that responsibility lightly, because if I am leading, there is someone trusting the Christ in me enough to follow what I am saying or doing to be truth.

What about you, what are you doing?
Love Ya,
Carolyn Denise

Thursday, June 13, 2013

In all things Give Thanks!

Good Afternoon Wonderful people, I am still recovering from that terrible car accident of April 16th.
Every time I think of the fact that Tuesday after FCAT, I was outside playing basketball with my students, (I mean I was playing ya’ll, I was completely soaked after playing several games),
Tuesday night, because someone was on the phone and not paying attention, I was hit from behind and found myself needing my husband’s help too shower and get in the bed.
The doctor states my injuries are permanent and that I will never be healed. The doctor states I cannot exercise like before, just brief walks. The doctor states I will need 6 to 12 months just to learn to manage the pain, and trust me it is a painful situation I now find myself in…..
But God rules above all. I push through and I get up, I hurt but I keep moving…I think of the beautiful folks of Oklahoma and I am strength by their courage.
They have lost so much more than I and yet they are extremely inspirational and full of hope. The Bible asks that in all things give thanks, and I agree with that request, one reason being, things could always be worse. Why not embrace a heart of thankfulness? Why not choose to look at the glass as half full, it is a much better state to find one’s self in than griping all day. Give thanks in all things,
Love Ya.
Carolyn Denise