Keep moving forward!
I was watching “The Animal Planet” where a female polar bear was in heat. She was releasing an aroma that caused the male polar bear to chase her.
Per the narrator the female takes off on a series of hills, and challenges with the male in hot pursuit.
The female is testing the male polar bear to see if he is worth mating with.
If he stops pursuing her, she concludes he is not fit to mate with. If he continues the chase, conquers the challenges and catches her, then he would have the pleasure of mating with her.
From Leviticus to Philippians’ the Bible speaks of a sacrifice of service and giving being a sweet aroma.
As women, giving, loving, and sacrificing us and our needs for others seems to come naturally.
It is a sweet aroma that women release and men pick up the scent and begin their pursuit.
problem is women, you don’t make the challenges challenging enough, you pick little hills, and when your pursuer fails the challenges, you stop running away, turn around and travel backwards to the pursuer. He, your pursuer, then never have to prove he is worthy of mating with, he never have to push his-self beyond has natural limited ability to a strength inside that he has yet to meet. Because the natural process was interrupted, your sweet aroma later could become a stink.
Keep your value intact, you are worth pursuing, now allow the right mate to catch you in a hot pursuit as you release a sweet aroma in service to God, family and community!
Love Ya,
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