Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Share Jesus with someone.


I am so thankful to God for being with us as we shared the gospel of Jesus Christ amongst all walking up and down Silver Star Road.
Not only did it rain on us physically, we were drenched in our spirits by the rain of the Holy Ghost!
As each of us returned to our home base, Kingdom Life Changers International, (KLCI)
we shared stories of the wonderful people we met, prayed for, and lead to Christ.
One member shouted, “When are we going again?” It was an awesome time in Christ, and it is something all believers are called to do.
Share Jesus with someone this week.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do the right thing!

Good Evening Highly Favored People,

I want to talk about doing the right thing.
Have you had times in your life where you were faced with a “to do or not to do” situation?
Of course you have we all have.
What did you do? Did you do the right thing?
right based on whose or what standard?
How did you feel afterwards?

The book of James 4:17 reads as follows
Therefore to him that know to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

Sin is one word that main stream America flee at all cost.
We are told there is no sin. Everyone should do what they want. If it feels good do it.
But look at the mess we are in as a society.
Why have we fallen for one of the largest lies of all times, that being…”we can do what we want and still receive God’s blessings and promises.”
Have we completely lost our minds?
Can I eat 3,000 calories and still lose weight?
Can I run my car into a tree at 100mph and not be hurt?
Can I put my hand in a fire and not be burned?
Can I skip bathing for a week and not smell?
To each of those ridiculous questions the answer is of course, NO!
Nor can I ignore God’s Word, His voice, His instructions, His guidance, and yet believe I am going to receive all of His promises.
If we know better, yet we ignore or do not do the good that we know, we sin.
Do the good you know you are to do, and reap the blessing that accompany obedience!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Bless the Lord at all times, bless His holy name!

Lord I bless you and honor you with every part of my being. Who is like unto thee, oh Lord?
Who can compare? Who can say they created the heavens and the earth? Who parts seas other than you?
Who hides their children under their wings like you?
Who bottles tears like you?
Who mends hearts like you? Who remains faithful amongst the faithless like you?
Who cast sins in a sea of forgetfulness like you? Who commands the seas and wind like you?
Who do the trees clap for other than you?

God you are an awesome God above you there is no other, you are the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end.

I bless you this day and I thank you for your loving forgiving power and salvation.
I am assured that I am your daughter, my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, and that everything you created me to be, that shall I be!
I am at the right place, at the right time, doing my Father’s will for my life right now.
I thank you for eliminating some and bring in others so that your perfect will in my life is accomplished.
Be glorified in all I do.
Shut doors and open others.
Please, Lord, allow your perfect will to be done in my life.
I love you, we are a team, and you are my captain, lead Lord, lead your daughter in the way of righteousness, and kingdom living. May my words, life, finances, and heart be representative of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!

In Jesus name, amen, amen, and amen!

Take inventory of your words!

Good Morning Beautiful People,
I would like you to take inventory of your words.

“Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life.
They can make the difference in your finances and your well- being.
God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given us that same ability. ”Capps 2004

Take inventory of your words for one full day. Start when your feet hit the floor in the morning and end once you find yourself back in the bed for the night.

The next day, take inventory of your words. Did your words breathe life into you and your situations or death? Did your words breathe life into others or kill them?
Did your words create a universe of hope or failure? If we get in the habit of speaking God’s Word vs. our own words we will begin to see manifested change in the areas where God’s Word is applied.
God’s word still creates today. His word is still full of life, once released the words are put in motion to perform. Most of us have met people that were torn down all of their lives and others that were built up, all by the power of words.
Apply God’s word to an area that needs the breath of life breathed into it, and document the results. Continue applying God’s word to every area, and person you meet. Make it a habit to breathe life by speaking God’s word. Get you an “it is written” for each situation you find yourself. Take inventory of your words.
Love Ya!
Carolyn Denise

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Are you afraid of the dark?

Are you Afraid of the Dark?

It is 5:05 am and my power has been out for about 20 minutes it is pitch black and I have about 8 minutes left on my computer before battery failure.
However, I wanted to ask you a question; are you afraid of the dark?
What would you do if you found yourself in the most darkness you have ever experienced? May it be physical or spiritual, how would you handle the darkness, the stillness found in the darkness?
What if you heard voices, felt movement?
Well, let me assure you that regardless of how dark it gets in our lives, physical or spiritual, God is with us.

“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? 8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

9 If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.

11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall[a] on me,” Even the night shall be light about me; 12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.” NKJV

Don’t be afraid of the dark; be assured that where ever you are God have you. Walk in the light, the light of Christ.

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying,
“I am the light of the world.
He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
John 8:12 NKJV

Find comfort in the WORD!
Love Ya,
P.S. My physical power is back on, my spiritual power never left me or went out, you see, I am not afraid of the dark

Friday, August 24, 2012

God is awesome!

We had a great time in prayer tonight talking with our Awesome GOD! He alone is worthy! Join me in prayer as we ask God that every book is sold.

Good Morning blessings from heaven!

Good Morning Beautiful People,
I want to first apologize for not posting in almost two weeks. I definitely failed my goal of posting daily, and I do apologize. I make no excuses, I simply apologize! Now, how have you been? How’s your family, life, job, relationships? Fill me in on what’s going on with you. Remember I am your accessible author.

Upcoming Happenings:

August 30-Sept 2:
Gaylord Palm Free Expo

September 9-15:
Private Celebration week with Honey (my 51st birthday and our 3rd wedding anniversary)
He was so sweet when he proposed. “Carolyn how would you like to get a gift on the 12th and the 13th?” And he honors that to this very day. I am one blessed women. My prayer is that every woman has at least once in her life a man that loves her, like my husband loves me. Like Christ loves the church! My husband loves his self, and he loves me out of that love. It really feels good to have someone in your life that provokes you to be and do better. No matter how ugly I may look to me at times, I am always beautiful to God and my husband. Yesterday, August 23, as we were preparing flyers for an event, we had a hallelujah good time laughing at ourselves. If you see us out and about, ask him about the dollar sign.

Sept 21 @ 10am-12pm:
Evangelism outing with Kingdom Life Changers International Church! We will hit the streets, being led by the Holy Spirit, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all!

Sept 28 @ 7-10pm Christian Movie Night:
We will watch part 1 of the three part evangelism series “A THEIF IN THE NIGHT” This series is very compelling; if you have unsaved loved ones, please bring them with you!
Location: Kingdom Life Changers International Church 5376 Silver Star Road. Corner of Pine Hills and Silver Star Rd. behind the Hardee's and Mcdonald's

Saturday, August 11, 2012

How Can I Bless Your Life?

Wow it has been a very business week,
Planning for the Gaylord Palms Free Expo
Planning my 2013 Event Calendar
Classes towards my MBA
Doctor Appts
Church responsibilities
Meetings Yes, it has been a very busy week
But I do want to commit to blogging more than once a week.
I am now giving you the opportunity to help plan my lecture schedule.
Thus far the topics I will be covering next year are
1. Let’s talk about sex (open to all, encourage parents who are uncomfortable with the subject to come and bring child 12 yrs. or older)
2. How to live a successful single Christian life( what to do, what is accountability)
3. How to prevent battles with my toddler without spanking
4. How to build my relationship with my four year old now for the relationship I want with my 14, 24, 34 year old later.
5. Verbal Abuse, what is it?
6. I am my sister’s keeper(Get up after every knock out)
7. Are you a church Booty Caller
8. The importance of living for Christ after the 11:00 Service
9. How to be the parents at home, that your Children see at church
10. How to get and keep the bedroom exciting. Yes, Christians do enjoy sex.
Now it is your turn:
You share with me topics you would like me to cover. How can I be a blessing to you, your family, and your relationship?
Contact me via my website, Blog, facebook or twitter with the topics you would like me to cover.
Again thank you for your support!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Support your local Author

Carolyn Denise your Approachable, Accessible, Author
invites you to meet her at the Gaylord Palms FREE EXPO
as part of the Tom Joyner Morning Show Family Reunion
the show will be broadcasted live Thursday morning.

Carolyn will be releasing three new books.
you can also speak to her about being a guest speaker at your next event.
Carolyn has spoken locally and abroad on all subjects pertaining to family, singles, sex and everything in-between.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

God's Word is your weapon for spiritual warfare!

Good Evening Blessed People,
Today our pastor, Pastor Fred L Coller Sr.
of Kingdom Life Changers International Church,
preached a message about the strongholds in our lives that we must first acknowledge and second attack with the Word of God.

He made an acronym of the word Weapon:

W: Word of God; Ephesian 6:17-and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

E: Effective Prayer; James 5:16-The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

A: Armor; Ephesian 6:10-18-Put on the whole armor of God,

P: Praise God 2 Chronicles 20:19-praise the LORD God of Israel with voices loud and high

O: Offering; Exodus 25:2-“Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering

N: Name of God; 1 Samuel 17:45- I come in the “Name” of the Lord


Saturday, August 4, 2012

"A night of laughter and family fun" sponsored by Carolyn Denise featuring Steffon Vann

All details posted at
under special events at the bottom right-hand side of my home page.
Join me for a night of family fun.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Support your stand!

Good Afternoon Beautiful People

Did you all attend Chick-fil-A appreciation day yesterday August 1, 2012? I did, I actually held my business meeting there. Later that evening I taught at Kingdom Life Changers International Church, and found that the consensus was pretty much the same. We don’t mind organizations disagreeing with one another. Hey, as Americans that is our right. The problem is trying to shut down a business or hinder business because of the differences of opinions. No no we are still in American and each of us are entitled to our rights and beliefs. Each of us has the right to express and live that belief. It seems everyone is entitled to a voice except Christians. No sir! Not happening.
We do not have to agree with one another, accept one another’s ideas, or even like a political stand of one another, but we should all be on the same team when any organizations tries to quiet the other because of a difference of opinion. Respect one another’s right to express one’s self!