Friday, August 24, 2012

Good Morning blessings from heaven!

Good Morning Beautiful People,
I want to first apologize for not posting in almost two weeks. I definitely failed my goal of posting daily, and I do apologize. I make no excuses, I simply apologize! Now, how have you been? How’s your family, life, job, relationships? Fill me in on what’s going on with you. Remember I am your accessible author.

Upcoming Happenings:

August 30-Sept 2:
Gaylord Palm Free Expo

September 9-15:
Private Celebration week with Honey (my 51st birthday and our 3rd wedding anniversary)
He was so sweet when he proposed. “Carolyn how would you like to get a gift on the 12th and the 13th?” And he honors that to this very day. I am one blessed women. My prayer is that every woman has at least once in her life a man that loves her, like my husband loves me. Like Christ loves the church! My husband loves his self, and he loves me out of that love. It really feels good to have someone in your life that provokes you to be and do better. No matter how ugly I may look to me at times, I am always beautiful to God and my husband. Yesterday, August 23, as we were preparing flyers for an event, we had a hallelujah good time laughing at ourselves. If you see us out and about, ask him about the dollar sign.

Sept 21 @ 10am-12pm:
Evangelism outing with Kingdom Life Changers International Church! We will hit the streets, being led by the Holy Spirit, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all!

Sept 28 @ 7-10pm Christian Movie Night:
We will watch part 1 of the three part evangelism series “A THEIF IN THE NIGHT” This series is very compelling; if you have unsaved loved ones, please bring them with you!
Location: Kingdom Life Changers International Church 5376 Silver Star Road. Corner of Pine Hills and Silver Star Rd. behind the Hardee's and Mcdonald's

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