Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do the right thing!

Good Evening Highly Favored People,

I want to talk about doing the right thing.
Have you had times in your life where you were faced with a “to do or not to do” situation?
Of course you have we all have.
What did you do? Did you do the right thing?
right based on whose or what standard?
How did you feel afterwards?

The book of James 4:17 reads as follows
Therefore to him that know to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

Sin is one word that main stream America flee at all cost.
We are told there is no sin. Everyone should do what they want. If it feels good do it.
But look at the mess we are in as a society.
Why have we fallen for one of the largest lies of all times, that being…”we can do what we want and still receive God’s blessings and promises.”
Have we completely lost our minds?
Can I eat 3,000 calories and still lose weight?
Can I run my car into a tree at 100mph and not be hurt?
Can I put my hand in a fire and not be burned?
Can I skip bathing for a week and not smell?
To each of those ridiculous questions the answer is of course, NO!
Nor can I ignore God’s Word, His voice, His instructions, His guidance, and yet believe I am going to receive all of His promises.
If we know better, yet we ignore or do not do the good that we know, we sin.
Do the good you know you are to do, and reap the blessing that accompany obedience!


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