Monday, August 27, 2012

Take inventory of your words!

Good Morning Beautiful People,
I would like you to take inventory of your words.

“Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life.
They can make the difference in your finances and your well- being.
God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given us that same ability. ”Capps 2004

Take inventory of your words for one full day. Start when your feet hit the floor in the morning and end once you find yourself back in the bed for the night.

The next day, take inventory of your words. Did your words breathe life into you and your situations or death? Did your words breathe life into others or kill them?
Did your words create a universe of hope or failure? If we get in the habit of speaking God’s Word vs. our own words we will begin to see manifested change in the areas where God’s Word is applied.
God’s word still creates today. His word is still full of life, once released the words are put in motion to perform. Most of us have met people that were torn down all of their lives and others that were built up, all by the power of words.
Apply God’s word to an area that needs the breath of life breathed into it, and document the results. Continue applying God’s word to every area, and person you meet. Make it a habit to breathe life by speaking God’s word. Get you an “it is written” for each situation you find yourself. Take inventory of your words.
Love Ya!
Carolyn Denise

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