Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Challenge Continues

Welcome to day two of the 30-day blog challenge.
Again, thank you for your support and for following me on this journey.

The second grader, I spoke of in my previous blog ( day 1 of the challenge)  is now 18 and has been in and out of jail. Was he destined for jail when created or had the adults failed him?

How is it possible for a child to misbehave in school, disrespect parents and teachers, bring home a report card glistering with "D's and F's" and yet, received 3-7 hundred dollars worth Christmas gifts?

When did we start rewarding foolish behavior? Why are parents refusing to parent and electing to be their child's friend?
My Twenty-nine-year-old stated, "Mom why do we get along so well now? We fought all the time when I was a teen." I reminded him of my new role now that he is an adult.
 As a child, it was not my job to be his friend but his parent.
Now that we are both adults, I am more of his advisor and friend. Forever his Momma, but he is grown now and the choices are his to make.

Underaged individuals need parents, they have more than enough friends. Are you up for the challenge of parenting your child(ren)? Or have you punked out and decided to just be their "yes" friend? Where do you stand?

Carolyn Denise

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