Saturday, November 21, 2015

Timeout for Timeout Parenting!

Good Day,
This is my third post of the 30-day challenge and though the challenge itself is challenging, I am finding the writing therapeutic and eye opening. The clarity of my purpose is becoming clearer, and I feel the hairs on my arms rise as I speak of my purpose. My heart is committed to helping parents with their children and win back our communities.  Parents are crying because they are unaware of how to handle 3 and 4-year-old children. A number of the books from supposedly experts in the field have failed.
We've tried the "Timeout" methods and have been left with a generation of children/adult friends, instead of parental/child relationships. I have a question for you, Are you celebrating/rewarding/giving in to bad/wrong/disrespectful behavior?
Carolyn Denise

1 comment:

  1. I just may need to do a post on timeouts as seen through the child's lifepath number! Thank you Carolyn
